Nationwide Future Leaders
Nationwide were looking to introduce a cross-functional Future Leader Programme for the first time. The requirement was for an ‘iconic’ Leadership programme that not only enhanced the current leadership performance of Nationwide’s Level 2 Middle Managers but also prepared them for more senior Leadership roles within the organisation.
Programme Overview
Dove Nest Group designed a 12 month programme, consisting of the following elements:
Online Psychometrics – Saville Wave and Bar-On EQi 360
Development Centre – half day development centre followed by feedback on exercises and psychometrics (1 day)
Module One – The leader I want to be (2 days)
Module Two – Leadership in Action – being agile as a leader and being able to lead within ambiguity, while trying out different approaches in a safe environment (3 days, Lake District residential)
Module Three – Balancing customer and commercial focus (1 day)
Regular Action Learning – involving all participants for a whole day and using both Action Learning methodologies and Open Space Technology.
Other elements include 2 x 90 minute coaching sessions, mentoring a stretching business project which is presented to senior Nationwide business managers.
Delegate are equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to operate successfully at the next level up and they now act as creditable role models to others.