Leading Leaders
“Learn to Inspire”
Leading leaders, both as peers and direct reports is clearly very different to leading a team. The majority of books and research on leadership focus on transactional and situational leadership etc.
Fundamental to any Leading Leaders programme are a number of different thought leading topics :
- Leading leaders is a ‘commitment’ not ‘control’ approach
- How a ‘differentiator’ model, rather than a ‘competency’ model will enable business success
- Totally align the learning to a business challenge from the sponsor
- Leading people and the business through ambiguity and change creates inertia with some people, as there is no clear goal or solutions. New techniques and confidence is needed
- Handbrake and seeking tipping points are explored as powerful leadership tools
- Business Agility, People Agility and Learning Agility form a starting point for leaders to evaluate themselves and then lead leaders
- Emotional Intelligence i.e. 360° and other insight techniques help give a leader a platform to operate from
The structure of a Learning to Inspire could be three day programme linked with a compelling business challenge that is presented, supported by coaching sessions.
Benefits to an organisation
- Enhancing the Leadership quotient
- Creating a commitment based performance culture
- Able to lead the business and people through ambiguity and complexity
- Not blindly ‘doing what we have always done’
- To deliver agility to the business, people and learning
- Direct business performance improvements
- Retention and attraction of the top leaders
- Enabling potential leaders to get exposure at the top of an organisation